Searching for, exposing and nurturing the finest and newest TALENT in global art, fashion and activism on the underground, so you don't have to.
(because we're not all mind-numbed idiot consumers and thinking isn't illegal yet)
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Neu HQ was filming a bit of girl-fun late night bathroom antic partyness at Carnyville!
We love this girl - she makes us drool !!!!!
LIBERATE// *****
NEU HQ is the headquarters of all that is new and fresh on the underground scene!
Tired of the elitist media wank we are foie-gras force-fed, NEU HQ is subversive media, without the nepotist bullshit.
Due to overwhelming response we are launching NEU HQ Magazine in conjunction with LONDON FASHION WEEK.
We aim to expose the latest in undiscovered talent, in all the creative fields. Hear about it first
from NEU HQ.
Exposing new talent, real talent, not just celebrity spawn. We are the FUTURE and we are here to stay.
For more info, writer requests or a
press pack contact
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